

Organizational Model of Management and Control according to d. Lgs. 231/2001

The D. Lgs. 231/2001 introduced a new form of liability of the Companies for certain types of crimes committed by their directors and employees, as well as by persons acting in the name and on behalf of Parmovo S.r.l.. Parmovo S.r.l., in reference to D. Lgs. 231/2001, formally established an Organizational Model of Management and Control. The Model thus adopted stems from the need, in addition to legislation, also to successfully address the complexity of the situations in which society is operating, clearly defining the set of values to which it is inspired and which it wants to be respected. In no way can the conviction to act for the benefit of the Company justify the adoption of conduct contrary to these principles. The Parmovo S.r.l. Model consists of a “General Part” and two “Special Parts” designed to prevent the different types of crimes and offences provided for by D. Lgs. 231/01. The Company has also appointed a Supervisory Body with the task of constantly monitoring compliance with the Code of Ethics and the Model, by all recipients, and the implementation of the provisions contained therein.

Code of Ethics

The Code of Ethics represents, for all those who work with and within Parmovo S.r.l., the tool through which the Company expresses its values and principles of behavior. All those who maintain business relations with, in the name and on behalf of Parmovo S.r.l. are required to contribute to its implementation and to the dissemination of the principles formalized in it, so that all relations with external bodies (are these: competent local authorities, certifying bodies, AUSL, Judicial Police Bodies, etc.), can be conducted on the basis of absolute correctness, in full compliance with the rights of others, in compliance with current laws and the principles of belonging to the company. The Code of Ethics is based on a long-term commitment, which goes hand in hand with and underpins Parmovo S.r.l.

Reports to the supervisory body (ODV) Insights

Parmovo S.r.l. has adopted a management procedure for the reports received by the Company’s Supervisory Body, establishing, moreover, multiple channels suitable to allow the communication of any reports on violations of the Code of Ethics and the Organization and Management Model. Any violation or suspicion of violation and/or any other information, related to the implementation of the Model or Code of Ethics, can be reported to the Supervisory Body at the following email addresses:
Alternatively, you can post your message in the mailbox installed at the address:
Via Frazione Sanguigna, 21 – 43052 Colorno (Parma)
To which it is addressed:
Supervisory Body of Parmovo S.r.l.

Reporting - whistleblowing

Parmovo S.r.l. has implemented the D.Lgs 24/2023 “Whistleblowing Decree“, which allows employees (as well as any other person who comes into contact with the company) to report, through dedicated web platform, any illegal episodes witnessed in the company itself.

The witness will be able to decide whether to remain anonymous or to enter his/her identity, which will be known only by the individuals appropriately designated as “Managers of the notice channel”. As required by applicable regulations, Parmovo guarantees strict confidence of the personal data of the reporting party and all third parties involved in order to protect them from any retaliatory, discriminatory or otherwise unfair conduct as a result of the warning.

Legal notes on the reporting process, personal data policy as well as user’s guide of the platform are reported below. You can have access to the platform by clicking on the following link.

Before sending your report, please take a look at:

    “Quality, innovation and technology are the ingredients which define Parmovo as a market leader in egg products.”